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Published on: 07/04/2017

The Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MOWIE) and the Water Integrity Network (WIN) in collaboration with co-convening partners, including IRC, are organising an East African forum on water integrity. Country experiences will be shared with participants from various countries including Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, and from African regional institutions, and co-convening international and national organisations and NGOs.


Water integrity is a condition sine qua non for the achievement of water-related Sustainable Development Goals. The objective of the forum is to act on this premise and achieve higher levels of integrity in the water sector as an essential ingredient of good governance.The forum will strengthen partnerships and propose ways forward in terms of raising awareness, enhancing political will, and building multi-stakeholder engagement for good governance and integrity in the water sector in East Africa.


The forum will cover country stocktaking and experience sharing, thematic work streams, and sessions to develop recommendations for future direction on water governance and integrity in East Africa.

Day 1 will take stock of the status of water governance and integrity in the region through:

  • Walk-in sessions inspired by the Water Integrity Global Outlook report 2016
  • Opening high level panel on the contribution of water integrity and good governance to reaching the water related SDGs,
  • Market Place with Country poster presentations on water governance and integrity,
  • Parallel sessions on promoting good water governance through transparency and integrity from the country initiatives

Day 2 will focus on sharing knowledge and experiences i.e. cases/practices and thematic work streams with water governance and integrity, covering topics such as:

  • Water security and integrity in river basins,
  • Investing in water infrastructure of economic growth and sustainable development,
  • Ensuring transparency in urban integrated water and wastewater management and services,
  • Integrity management in rural and peri-urban community-based water and sanitation,
  • Building resilience to climate related events and disasters.

Day 3 will focus on promoting policy alignment  and cooperation for good water governance and integrity. The session will highlight the way forward in terms of cooperation for good water governance and integrity. A market place with poster of promising partnerships, programmes and initiatives in and between countries will provide the elements for follow-up and take-away messages to be discussed in a high level panel.

Participation is by invitation only.


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