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In episode 4 of WASH Talk, it is discussed why asset management is rural areas is so critical.

TitleAsset management
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLemme, K, Achiro, B
Secondary TitleWASH Talk
Paginationpodcast (18 min : 44 sec)
Date Published06/17
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

This episode of IRC's podcast series WASH Talk focuses on asset management. Host Jeroen Westerbeek and co-host Catarina Fonseca talk with Kim Lemme and Brenda Achiro Muthemba from Water for People about why asset management is so critical in rural areas. In the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector asset management means maintenance to optimise performance of systems in the most cost-effective way. In urban areas asset management of water and sanitation infrastructure is a standard concept, but in rural areas this is often not the case due to limited financial and human capacity. 

Water For People has developed several tools to help with maintenance, planning and budgeting. Kim Lemme and Brenda Achiro Muthemba explain what they are and how they use them.




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