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An innovative approach to sustain open defecation free (ODF) status in rural areas by making people agents of change in their communities.

TitleJirani sanitation groups : sustaining open defecation free status in Tanzania
Publication TypeCase Study
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsRieiro, MF
Pagination8 p. : fig, photogr.
Date Published01/2019
PublisherSNV Tanzania
Place PublishedDar es Salaam, Tanzania
Publication LanguageEnglish

Under the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene For All (SSH4A) programme in Tanzania, SNV has developed an innovative approach called Jirani sanitation groups (JSGs). 'Jirani' means neighbour and the approach is based on community support; if a toilet collapses another can be built with the help of neighbours. The JSGs intervention offers a new and innovative approach for sustaining open defecation free (ODF) status in rural areas by making people agents of change in their communities. This case study presents the JSGs intervention, providing practical information for its implementation and a brief discussion on the challenges and lessons learned by the SNV Tanzania team and their partners on the ground.


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