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Presentations from the WASH Learning theme 4 - Governments, politics and systems change session of the All Systems Connect International Symposium 2023.

TitleAll Systems Connect: WASH Learning Theme 4 - Governments, politics and systems change
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsCuamba, A, van der Voorden, C, G. Boru, L, Klaesener-Metzner, N, Carney-Filmore, C, Naughton, M, Palma, I, Kearns, M, Wickham, T, Peletz, R, Johnston, R, Goff, F, Szántó, G, Narayan, A, Mwara, SA, M. Gill, J, Khunou, K, Maphosa, K
Secondary TitleAll Systems Connect International Symposium, 2-4 May 2023, The Hague, the Netherlands
Pagination15 PPTX files
Date Published05/2023
PublisherIRC, Water For People, Water for Good
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsnutrition, sanitation workers, Youth

The All Systems Connect International Symposium was held from 2-4 May 2023, in The Hague, the Netherlands. The event included ten thematic tracks:
C1) CONNECT health
C2) CONNECT finance
C3) CONNECT climate
C4) CONNECT social justice
W1) Delivering safely managed water and sanitation services
W2) Markets and behaviour change: how people invest and driving to scale
W3) Water resource management: finding systemic solutions
W4) Governments, politics and systems change
W5) Systems change and collective action
D) Country Dialogues

Presentations hosted under this resource were part of WASH Learning theme 4: Governments, politics and systems change.

How are local and national governments driving change? This theme explored how governments are leading change in water, sanitation and hygiene systems, the role of partners and civil society in change, as well as the potential of information as a driving force.

The theme included the following sessions (please use Microsoft Edge as browser for easy viewing):

W4.1 Strengthening WASH systems - approaches, successes, and lessons learned

W4.2 An analysis of strengthening systems and enhancing collective action to achieve universal basic WASH services. Includes:

  • Government engagement for sustainability : working with the government and key stakeholders to achieve universal water coverage in Rwanda - Alice Muhimpundu (World Vision Rwanda)
  • Working across multiple sectors to achieve universal coverage : universal Coverage of WASH services - Tupac Mejia (World Vision Honduras)
  • Finish the Job and mWater mapping in Zambia - Maybin Ngambi & Jessy Samuyachi (World Vision Zambia)

W4.3 Young people, jobs and lifelong learning for WASH professionals

W4.4 Partnership with government and customer service for all

W4.5 Data and monitoring: strengthening systems for achieving safely managed sanitation services

W4.6 Rights, inclusion and regulation for system strengthening, includes:

  • Beyond access : a more transformative approach to WASH through integration, systems and intentional learning : lessons from World Vision and Emory University - Kristie Urich (World Vision) & Bethany Caruso (Emory University)
  • Diverse voices and representation for stronger systems : lessons from the Water for Women Fund - Fraser Goff, WaterAid Australia – Water for Women Fund

W4.7 Experiences connecting WASH and IWRM through public-private partnerships, includes

  • Experiences connecting WASH and IWRM through public-private partnerships - Vida Duti (IRC) & Gábor Szántó  (Netherlands Enterprise Agency)
  • Experiences connecting WASH and IWRM through public-private partnerships - Tika Meijer & Bodisco Massink  (Government of the Netherlands)
  • Experiences connecting WASH and IWRM through public-private partnerships - Diederik Verzijl (PwC)

W4.8 The integration debate

W4.9 Consolidation of the thinking (no presentation available)

W4.10 SDG 6.2 is only attainable with rights and dignity for sanitation workers


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