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Exploring the existing WASH service monitoring system at different levels in Bangladesh and how social mapping can help fill the gaps.

TitleWASH service monitoring in rural Bangladesh : prospects for social mapping-based community monitoring
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsDey, D
Pagination20 p. : 12 fig., 1 tab.
Date Published05/2024
Place PublishedDhaka, Bangladesh
Publication LanguageEnglish
This report explores the existing WASH service monitoring system and their gaps at different levels in Bangladesh. It explains, how WASH SDG Consortium’s WAI sub-programme has worked to mitigate those gaps with an interim solution of social mapping based WASH service monitoring. One of the strategic objectives of the WASH SDG Programme in Bangladesh was to improve the quality of WASH service provision, and for this service monitoring is essential. This report also looks at opportunities to include such community-based methods in interim WASH service monitoring.
Citation Key91077



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