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The purpose of this SDG6 +5 review was to undertake an inventory of existing institutional monitoring systems and their ability to track SDG 6.1 and 6.2 at the national level.

TitleUnderstanding monitoring for SDG6 across Eastern and Southern Africa
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsHarris, B, Pearce, J
Date Published07/2021
Publication LanguageEnglish
KeywordsEastern Africa, monitoring, southern africa

The year 2020 marked five years into SDG implementation with the SDG Mid-term review due in 2022/23. UNICEF ESARO recognizes that, after five years of the SDGs, it is necessary to assess the progress made toward achieving SDG6 and assess how well progress is being measured by member states. The SDG6 +5 review presented here takes the opportunity to identify key gaps and opportunities ahead of the SDG mid-term review. Taking action now will better position member states to advocate for financing for WASH as part of the SDG mid-term review and provide time for required course correction measures to be effective ahead of 2030.

As part of this broader SDG 6+5 review, UNICEF commissioned ITAD to explore and document the current state of SDG 6 monitoring across all countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. This included a rapid assessment, summarising the status of WASH monitoring systems in all countries; as well as a series of five case studies to provide a deeper analysis of the monitoring frameworks and systems, identify the enablers and barriers to strong monitoring systems, and to capture key learnings for the sector and region. Tanzania was selected to further explore the coordination of monitoring in a strongly performing WASH sector, the sector-level routine monitoring systems, and the extent of localization of SDG 6.1 and 6.2 in monitoring systems.

The Tanzania WASH sector stakeholders also collaborated between March and May 2022 to develop a Country WASH M&E Roadmap.

Citation Key91259
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