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Alternative sanitation technologies applicable to a broad spectrum of community development levels are outlined.

TitleAppropriate sanitation technology : economic viability
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1988
Authorsvan Niekerk, AM, Uys, WJ, Basson, D
PaginationPaper C.2 (13 p.): tab.
Date Published1988-01-01
Keywordsability to pay, appropriate technology, capital costs, comparative analysis, excreta disposal systems, maintenance costs, sewerage, south africa

Alternative sanitation technologies applicable to a broad spectrum of community development levels are outlined. The direct and indirect costs including capital redemption, operation and maintenance, and water costs are quantified for each individual sanitation technology. Sanitation costs are contrasted to income and expenditure in 3 South African black areas with different levels of economic development. Depending on the availability of water (more or less than 20l/capita/day), it is concluded that average households will be able to afford an aquaprivy with percolation beds (costing 2% of annual income) or a ventilated improved pit latrine (1% of annual income), respectively.

NotesIncludes references
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