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The Women's Coordinating Council (WCC), a voluntary agency consisting of 105 women's voluntary organizations in West Bengal, is promoting awareness activities in association with water, sanitation, housing and other technological developments.

TitleAwareness building for community participation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsMitra, A
PaginationP. 161-164: photogr.
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordscampaigns, community participation, health education, india, latrines, programmes, safe water supply, training courses, women

The Women's Coordinating Council (WCC), a voluntary agency consisting of 105 women's voluntary organizations in West Bengal, is promoting awareness activities in association with water, sanitation, housing and other technological developments. Women, children and men are included in their programmes in an attempt to provide a holistic approach to development. Women trainers and communicators are used to implement these programmes with visual aids such as clay models, which depict typical insanitary village conditions, posters, slides, puppets and plays.. The results from these awareness building programmes are evident in the subsequently implemented projects. Examples are given of a latrine project in the Anganwadi Centre and Awareness Building Camps in conjunction with the Drinking Water Mission and rural water supply. Orientation and training modules are undertaken for state, district, block and village levels.

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