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The Delhi College of Engineering, India, tested the structural behaviour of two 2,500 litre ferrocement water tanks.

TitleBehavior of ferrocement tanks constructed by using skeletal cage and segmental casting methods
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsSharma, PC, Anand, AS, Bhandari, R
Paginationp. 109-116: 10 fig., 3 tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
Keywordscab93/3, construction, construction costs, ferrocement, india, storage tanks, testing

The Delhi College of Engineering, India, tested the structural behaviour of two 2,500 litre ferrocement water tanks. One tank was constructed using the segmental casting method which was developed and patented by the Structural Engineering Research Laboratory (SERC) in Ghaziabad, India. This method is especially suited for mass production. The second tank was built using the traditional skeletal cage or moldless construction technique. Both tanks were strong enough to withstand the maximum water pressure when completely filled and showed no visible cracks. Construction costs of ferrocement tanks are less than half of those of the cheapest alternative, i.e. brick masonry tanks.

Notes6 ref.
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