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This discussion paper provides background information on bottled water and the bottled water world market, in order to understand the reasons of a trend that goes beyond a simple fashion and turns to be a real social phenomenon.

TitleBottled water : understanding a social phenomenon
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsFerrier, C
Secondary TitleDiscussion paper / WWF
Pagination26 p. : 1 tab.
Date Published2001-04-01
PublisherWWF International
Place PublishedGland, Switzerland
Keywordsbeverage industry, bottled water, environmental impact, piped distribution, plastics, sdipol, sdiwat, water consumption, water costs

This discussion paper provides background information on bottled water and the bottled water world market, in order to understand the reasons of a trend that goes beyond a simple fashion and turns to be a real social phenomenon. It first identifies existing types of bottled water and then examines the trends that are leading to an increase in bottled water consumption. The paper then identifies the major reasons why consumers choose to buy expensive bottled water rather than drink tap water. It finally analyses the environmental impact of the bottled water industry, in particular related to packaging materials (plastics) and transport.

Notes24 ref.
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