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TitleThe business of waste
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsAuerbach, D
Pagination3 p.; photographs
Date Published2013-07-01
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, case studies, kenya, urban areas, urban communities

Eight million people in urban Kenya do not have access to a simple, hygienic latrine. But those numbers are going down, one toilet at a time. Sanergy, a company founded in 2010 and awarded a $100,000 grant from USAID a year later, builds low-cost, concrete sanitation centers resembling porta potties that are each designed to serve 80 people per day with clean toilet services. The centers are sold to local entrepreneurs on a franchise model, which not only addresses the serious need for toilet facilities in Nairobi—a city of over 3 million people—but also creates jobs. There are at least 70 sanitation facilities now open, serving as many as 4,000 people every day.[authors abstract]

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