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TitleCase study on local water management in the Ismani rural area, Tanzania
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsBoesen, J, Hansen, E
Pagination43 p. : 4 map, 5 tab.
Date Published1992-01-01
Keywordscase studies, economic development, ismani water scheme (tanzania), legislation, rural areas, social development, tanzania iringa ismani, water committees, water resources management, water rights, water use

The water management plan for the Ismani rural area was developed from the integration of two hierarchies; a physical hierarchy of water resources from point source to river basins, and a social hierarchy from the farmer's crop selection to industrial development. This plan was developed in conjunction with a DANIDA project for the rehabilitation of a water supply system built in the 1960's. Around the year 1970, an increased population combined with a new governmental villagization policy resulted in intense land use, intense logging, economic degradation and declining agricultural output. The area has a monsoon climate, and any water management plans would have to include seasonal storage. The water quality data from the Mgera and Kigasi rivers reflect a reasonable chemical quality but unacceptable bacterial counts. There is a risk of salinization for groundwater use. A Village Water Committee has been established for operation and maintenance of the rehabilitated water supply system, but the system of regulated payment for water supplies is still under discussion.

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