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The decentralization of activities in the Zimbabwean Government has led to a somewhat different method in water management schemes, based on a more localized approach.

TitleCase study on water management in the Save river basin, Zimbabwe
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsWangen, G
Pagination45 p.: fig.
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordscase studies, economic aspects, government organizations, institutional framework, projects, rural areas, save river development plan (zimbabwe), urban areas, water demand, water management, water supply, water use, zimbabwe save river basin

The decentralization of activities in the Zimbabwean Government has led to a somewhat different method in water management schemes, based on a more localized approach. Social, ecological, economic and agricultural impacts are studied which would not have been included under a generalized water management study. The study area is on the Eastern and Southeastern area of Zimbabwe, near the border with Mozambique. The water management study includes existing irrigation schemes, domestic water supplies, environmental degradation, sanitation, and water use rights between Mashonaland, Manicaland, Midlands and Masvingo as well as touching on the effects on Mozambique. Schematics are included of the proposed division of responsibilities in the project, in monitoring and control operations, in planning and implementation, administrative structures and in operation and maintenance; the latter based on the three tier system.

Notes27 ref.
Custom 1210, 824


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