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TitleCompost toilets : practical action, technology challenging poverty
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
AuthorsCalvert, P
Secondary TitleTechnical brief
Pagination5 p. : 1 fig.
Date Published2000-01-01 ?
PublisherThe Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development
Place PublishedRugby, UK
Keywordsbenefits, case studies, composting latrines, constraints, construction, costs, design, ecological sanitation, maintenance, operation, sanitation

This technical brief describes a compost toilet that has proved to be most effective in water-logged areas where pit-latrines and septic tanks are inappropriate. It is a simple design that does not require electricity or great investment. Built using local materials, it is a self-contained unit that produces good compost and protects the soil and water from any contamination. [authors abstract]

Notes5 ref.
Custom 1321.2


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