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TitleComposting : sanitary disposal and reclamation of organic wastes
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1956
AuthorsGotaas, HB
Secondary TitleWHO monograph series
Volumeno. 31
Pagination199 p. : fig.
Date Published1956-01-01
PublisherWorld Health Organization (WHO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Keywordsanaerobic digestion, composting, fertilizers, manure, organic wastes, sewage

This book emphasizes the principles underlying the safe disposal of community wastes, relating them to the factors governing the recovery of nutrients from the soil. The public health and economic aspects of composting are reviewed in their historical development from the earliest simple technics to modern mechanized processes. The methods of composting recommended for large towns, villages and individual farms are described and all concerned with the problems of disposal and reclamation—small farmer and municipal authority alike—will find this book an instructive and practical guide.

NotesBibliography : p. 195-199
Custom 1352.2



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