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In an introduction guidelines are given on the copying, adaptation and use of the drawings in the book. The drawings are organized in sections under food, health and water, shelter, work and figures, groups and comics.

TitleThe copy book : copyright-free illustrations for development
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsLinney, B, Wilson, B
Paginationxviii, 112 p.: mainly ill.
Date Published1988-01-01
PublisherIT Publications
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number0946688443
Keywordsaudiovisual aids, food, health education, housing, tp29, water supply

In an introduction guidelines are given on the copying, adaptation and use of the drawings in the book. The drawings are organized in sections under food, health and water, shelter, work and figures, groups and comics. They are contributed without copyright restrictions, so that local workers in developing countries can copy illustrations for on-the-spot use.

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