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This manual focuses on the design and construction of child-friendly school water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in Ethiopia.

TitleDesign and construction manual for water supply and sanitary facilities in primary schools
Publication TypeManual
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsEthiopia. Ministry of Heath, Ethiopia. Ministry of Water and Energy, Ethiopia. Ministry of Education, UNICEF Ethiopia
EditionRev. ed.
Paginationvii, 111 p., boxes, fig, tab., techn. drwngs
Date Published01/2012
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsconstruction, design, dug wells, infiltration ditches, rainwater harvesting, roof catchment, springwater, urinals, ventilated improved pit latrines

This manual focuses on the design and construction of child-friendly school water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in Ethiopia. Following a general introduction on the importance of school WASH facilities, it provides an overview of the different water supply options available for schools in Ethiopia together with their designs and related technical details. The next sections of the manual provide detailed designs for dry toilet facilities, urinals, handwashing facilities and infiltration pits and trenches for wastewater management. The final two sections cover green technologies and the management of WASH facilities. Technical design drawings and bills of quantities are included in the manual's annexes.

Citation Key82074




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