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TitleDesign phase of the water supply and sewerage scheme, Accra-Tema metropolitan area, Ghana : Weija new dam for municipal water supply and irrigation
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1968
AuthorsLtd., TAHALConsulting, Engineering Science, Inc. -Pasadena, CA, US
Pagination38 pp. : 16 tab., 13 fig.
Date Published1968-03-01
PublisherUnited Nations Special Fund
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Keywordsghana, impounding reservoirs, irrigation, projects, storage capacity, water supply

In this report a study of the Densu river and the Weija dam and impounding reservoir is presented. The report is not self-contained and should be read in conjunction wiht the 'Feasibility study' and the 'Irrigation report'.



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