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This paper reviews the application of epidemiological understanding of diarrhoeal disease to interventions in water and sanitation.

TitleDiarrhoeal disease : current concepts and future challenges : water, sanitation and diarrhoea : the limits of understanding
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsKolsky, PJ
Paginationp. S3/43 - S3/46: 1 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
Keywordsbeliefs, diarrhoeal diseases, epidemiology, health education, literature reviews, sanitation, water quality, water quantity, water supply, water-related diseases

This paper reviews the application of epidemiological understanding of diarrhoeal disease to interventions in water and sanitation. It also reviews historical and recent perceptions of water, sanitation and diarrhoeal disease, and summarizes progress to date. On the one hand, some fundamental ideas about the relative importance of water quality and quantity in the transmission of diarrhoeal disease have changed, and there is increased recognition of the complex interrelationships between interventions, hygiene behaviour and health. On the other hand, our understanding of the impact of interventions is painfully incomplete.

Notes23 refs.
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