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TitleDrinking water crisis in Pakistan and the issue of bottled water : the case of Nestlé's 'Pure Life'
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
AuthorsRosemann, N
Paginationiv, 37 p.
Keywordsbeverage industry, bottled water, drinking water, human rights, pakistan, policies, sdiasi, sdipol

This case study about Nestlé's bottled water 'Pure Life' examines how the production and distribution of one brand of a transnational corporation affects people's life in a developing country. Political objectives from the Millennium Development Goals, the human right to water, and specific human right obligations of corporations are taken as its point of departure.
The first part examines the situation of the poor in Pakistan with regard to their human right to water. Water shortage, identification of obligations and examination of the capacities are investigated. A human rights approach to development and the basic need for sufficient and safe drinking water lead to the identification of the duties of corporations active in the water sector, such as Nestlé.
The second part focuses on the operation of Nestlé's 'Pure life' in Pakistan. It examines the impact of the production of Nestlé's bottled water on local communities close to the production facilities. The impact of pricing and distribution on poor and disadvantaged groups are observed. By this, the study seeks to examine concerns and benefits in order to contribute to a better understanding of corporate objectives and human needs and to analyse corporate responsibilities.
This case study unfortunately lacks public statements, interviews and other available resources from Nestlé, because Nestlé refused to react to the various attempt of the author to contact them and to discuss the findings of this research. It is his opinion, that Nestlé should be held accountable for its commitments with regard to human rights and sustainability.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.3, 822



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