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TitleThe eff ect of rainwater harvesting on reducing poverty
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsLehmann, C, Tsukada, R
Pagination22 p.; 7 tab.; 3 fig.
Date Published2011-09-16
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordsaccess to water, agriculture, low-income communities, poverty, rainwater harvesting, water supply

This paper explores the potential of rainwater harvesting as an instrument to reduce poverty in areas without immediate access to an improved water source. Using a unique Brazilian dataset, we find that building rainwater harvesting infrastructure at the homestead does reduce household poverty through three channels : a time allocation effect, an agricultural production effect, and a livestock production effect. Households spend less time on fetching water from distant sources, and savings in time are also allocated to other productive activities. An increase in the households' water supply allows them to scale-up agriculture and livestock production, thus increasing wealth and alleviating income poverty. [authors abstract]

NotesWith 15 references
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