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TitleEvaluation of Community-led Total Sanitation Implementation in Burkina Faso
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsPhilippe, S, Savadogo, K
Date Published06/2024
Publication LanguageEnglish
KeywordsCLTS, open defecation, sanitation

At the current rate, Burkina Faso is unlikely to meet their national Open Defecation Free (ODF) objective by 2030. To accelerate progress, the Ministry of Water and Sanitation conducted a national evaluation of the implementation of the Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach from 2019 to 2021. This document provides a summary of the evaluation, including the results, discussion and recommendations on the enabling environment and implementation. The key recommendations to accelerate progress are:

• Establish a consultation framework for all actors at the regional and national level.
• Inform actors on their roles and responsibilities in implementing the CLTS approach.
• Mobilize financial, material and human resources to ensure the sustainability of CLTS achievements.
• Strengthen capacity of actors on the implementation process of CLTS.
• Review the CLTS strategy and manual at national level and adapt the documents to the realities in the field.

The document concludes with an overview of the progress made to achieve the national ODF objective since the evaluation was completed in January 2021.

Citation Key91254



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