Title | Evaluation UNICEF assisted water supply and sanitation project Viet Nam |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1995 |
Authors | van Schaik, HPJ, Shordt, K, Cuong, PN |
Pagination | xi, 67 p.: 6 tab., 1 map |
Date Published | 1995-01-01 |
Publisher | National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) |
Place Published | Bilthoven, The Netherlands |
Keywords | cab95/34, costs, evaluation, gravity supply, hand pumps, health education, latrines, projects, rural areas, schools, viet nam, women |
Abstract | This report is the outcome of an evaluation/review of the Netherlands support to the UNICEF Assisted Water Supply and Sanitation (WATSAN) Project in Viet Nam. One of the recommendations of the report was that the project should focus more on poverty alleviation. The mission found that the target group for the remainder of the project should be families below the middle income level. This could be achieved, it was thought, by the introduction of more flexible credit facilities for poorer families and by using local NGOs, such as the Women's Union, to gain access to communities at the grassroot level. The report also includes some information on the costs of the water supply and sanitation technologies used in the project. On the question of sanitation, a recommendation was made to look into the technology and design of latrines. It was felt the Sulabh model should not be implemented at this stage. Although UNICEF supported the production of health education materials for primary schools, these materials were not available in the schools and health centres visited. In only one of the schools visited was there any hygiene behaviour change following the construction of school water and sanitation facilities. |
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