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This publication highlights the present and future challenges facing the international institutional system and pinpoints the shortcomings in existing arrangements.

TitleForging international agreement : strengthening inter-governmental institutions for environment and development
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsKimball, LA
Paginationx, 84 p. : 8 tab.
Date Published1992-04-01
PublisherWorld Resources Institute
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0915825821
Keywordsenvironment, institutional aspects, international level, policies, sustainable development

This publication highlights the present and future challenges facing the international institutional system and pinpoints the shortcomings in existing arrangements. The author recommends reforms in monitoring and assessment, environmental management, integrated planning for sustainable development, and building national capacities in all these areas. This study emphasizes the need for performance reviews in all countries and international agencies to increase accountability, to inform ongoing reform within the U.N. system, and to achieve more effective global environmental governance in general.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1113, 122



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