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Presentations on WASH advocacy given during the Chapel Hill conference in North Carolina, October 2015.

TitleThe future of WASH advocacy : UNC Water and Health Conference, October 28, 2015
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsAdvocates, WASH, IRC
Pagination42 p.
Date Published10/2015
PublisherWASH Advocates and IRC
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsadvocacy, cross-sectoral collaboration, knowledge sharing

This presentation looks back on the history of WASH advocacy, assesses the current WASH situation, and looks forward to the future of WASH advocacy work, with a focus on how challenges can be met and how successes can be continued. Presentations include country specific case studies of budget and policy advocacy from IRC in Burkina Faso, The Urban Institute and JHU SAIS regarding Ghana, and WaterAid in America about advocacy to the US Government.



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