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This resource folder gives an overview of gender sensitive interventions and initiatives directly or indirectly related to health that have been tried at macro and micro level.

TitleGender and health equity resource folder
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsJuarez, M, Baume, E, Standing, H
Pagination99 p.
Date Published2000-10-01
PublisherInstitute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex
Place PublishedBrighton, UK
Keywordsadvocacy, case studies, gender, health, information networks, literature reviews, sdigen, sdihyg

This resource folder gives an overview of gender sensitive interventions and initiatives directly or indirectly related to health that have been tried at macro and micro level. Through mapping experiences, the folder provides information on lessons learned, results achieved, and the challenges that have emerged in promoting gender and health equity. It includes information on gender-sensitive approaches, working methods, practical methodologies and tools which can be incorporated into policies and programmes. The folder is made up of five different sections:
1. Gender Mainstreaming and Organisational Change
2. Implementing Rights and Accountability through Networks and Advocacy
3. Tools to Enhance and implement Gender Equity
4. Life Span Perspective in Gender and Health
5. Issues in Gender and Health Equity
Each section describes what the topic means, why it is important and how it may be achieved. It aims to enable the development of gender strategies for health equity appropriate to specific contexts and resources. As a result, the text is illustrated with case studies and examples of good practice from programmes and experiences from around the world.

NotesIncludes 40 useful websites
Custom 1121, 140



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