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Gender, equity, and social inclusion (GESI) policy recommendations for government officials working in the WASH sector at national and woreda (district) level in Ethiopia.

TitleGender equality and social Inclusion in Ethiopia
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsWalter, E, Lemecha, G
Pagination11 p.
Date Published07/2022
PublisherIRC Ethiopia
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Type of WorkPolicy Brief
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsgender, social inclusion

After an introduction to the global human right to water and sanitation and Ethiopian laws and policies on gender, equity, and social inclusion (GESI), the policy brief focuses specifically on GESI in the Ethiopian WASH sector. Drawing from this information the brief provides GESI policy recommendations for government officials working at the national and woreda (district) level in Ethiopia. These include improving information flow between national, regional, and local levels; improving policy enforcement and regulations; and improving participation from socially excluded groups in WASH decision making including infrastructure design, planning and budget processes.

Citation Key88939



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