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TitleGetting Africa on track to meet the MDGS on water and sanitation : a status review of sixteen African countries
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsWater, AMCOWAfrican Mi, Nairobi, KEWater and
Paginationviii, 105 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2006-10-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program - African Region
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, access to water, benin, burkina faso, congo, ethiopia, evaluation, ghana, kenya, madagascar, malawi, mauritania, millennium development goals, mozambique, niger, rwanda, sdiafr, sdiman, senegal, tanzania, uganda, WASHCost, zambia

In this Country Status Overview, an Africa-wide, country-owned, regionally supported Water Supply and Sanitation Sector MDG roadmap process is presented to help support achievement of the targets, and to enable more effective learning processes and support mechanisms. It was conceived as planning frameworks and includes strategic investment programs to align and accelerate existing country plans towards the targets.
As part of the MDG roadmap process a semi-annual status report is presented. It is easy to read, in a consistent format across countries, and provides quality information about efforts to achieve targets. Based on past performance, an overall MDG outlook is presented answering the question whether the country is on the right track to reach the MDGs for water supply and sanitation. The capacity to achieve the goals is presented graphically, the financial capacity and projected investment needs are outlined in a table.
National strategies, institutional arrangements, sector financing, sector monitoring and evaluation, and sector capacity are elaborated. After a brief summary in each area, measures that can be adopted to improve progress towards the MDGs in the sector are presented. A low/medium/high score and a ranking in each area based on available information is provided. A scorecard provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the overall sector and sub-sector sustainability, by assessing the status of success factors with regard to institutional and financial aspects of sustainability as found in the literature and among practitioners.

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