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This paper assesses experience, and draws lessons from the involvement of the private sector in the provision of urban water and wastewater services.

TitleGlobal trends in urban water supply and wastewater financing and management: changing roles for the public and private sectors
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsGentry, B, Abuyuan, AT
Pagination76 p.
Date Published2000-01-01
Place PublishedParis, France
Keywordsfinancing, investment, private sector, sdipol, ueik, wastewater

This paper assesses experience, and draws lessons from the involvement of the private sector in the provision of urban water and wastewater services. It examines some of the main challenges facing developing countries in particular in providing urban water and wastewater services in the context of increasing need for investments, better management, and the declining availability of public funds. The paper examines historical trends in water financing and management, including a comprehensive overview of the different types of private sector participation in the urban water and waste water sector, ranging from service contracts to full divestiture. Finally, the paper presents the main lessons learned about private sector participation and outlines steps that governments and other actors can take to increase private investment in the urban water and wastewater sector.

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