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Sixty-five mothers from Balai Lua, Central Lombok, Indonesia were given soap and an explanation of the faecal oral route of diarrhoea transmission.

TitleHand-washing reduces diarrhoea episodes : a study in Lombok, Indonesia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsWilson, JM, Chandler, GN, Muslihatun, Jamiluddin
Paginationp. 819-821
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordschild health, diarrhoeal diseases, disease control, hand washing, health education, indonesia lombok, maternal health, rural water supply and sanitation project (lombok, indonesia), soap

Sixty-five mothers from Balai Lua, Central Lombok, Indonesia were given soap and an explanation of the faecal oral route of diarrhoea transmission. This very simple health message was reinforced fortnightly when mothers were also asked whether any members of their family had suffered from diarrhoea over the previous 2 weeks. Children of these mothers experienced an 89% reduction in diarrhoea episodes compared to a control period before the intervention.

Notes5 tab.
Custom 1203.1, 245.11
Original PublicationSustained improvements in hygiene behaviour amongst village women in Lombok, Indonesia


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