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This book is based on the first of series of workshops held in Africa and funded by the British Council and Child-to-Child.

TitleHealth into mathematics
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsGibbs, W, Mutunga, P
Secondary TitleHealth across the curriculum
Volumeno. 1
Paginationxi, 163 p.: ill., fig., tab.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherLongman Publishers
Place PublishedHarlow, UK
ISBN Number0582058392
Keywordschildren, health education, instructional aids, kenya, schools, statistics

This book is based on the first of series of workshops held in Africa and funded by the British Council and Child-to-Child. The workshops were designed to develop materials which would help primary school teachers link health education with other areas of the curriculum. The book gives examples of health messages which teachers can include in mathematics lessons as well as examples of mathematical activities which they can use when teaching health education. The mathematics topics cover measurement, statistics, ratio, percentage and problem solving. The health education subjects include water and sanitation, oral rehydration, nutrition, immunization, and growth monitoring. There are activities for lower, middle, and upper levels. Many activities refer to the health situation in Kenya.

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