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TitleThe HESAWA study group programme : a handbook on how to organize basic training/mass-education programme for rural development in a developing country
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsBaltzer, J
Pagination150 p.: ill.
Date Published1990-01-01
PublisherSIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
ISBN Number915867120X
Keywordsadult education, community meetings, instructional aids, manuals, radio, tanzania, tanzania lake regions, training

This handbook is intended for both local and expatriate advisers who wish to organize a village-level training programme. It is based on four years experience from 1986-1989 of the HESAWA Study Group Programme in Tanzania. HESAWA stands for Health through Sanitation and Water, an integrated programme sponsored by SIDA, the Swedish International Development Authority. The Study Programme organizational structure had four levels: central organization, district organizers, study group leaders, villagers. The implementation of the Programme is described in nine basic steps, starting with the introduction of the Programme to decision makers/donors. This is followed by the recruitment and mobilization of district organizers, and the organization of village meetings. Much attention is then given to the production of text materials and audio or radio programmes, as well as to the training of the study group leaders. Finally the running and evaluation of the Programme are discussed.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1204.1



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