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Rapid growth of industrialization in Greater Bandung since 1970 has led to the deterioration of both the quantity and quality of groundwater resources in the Bandung basin.

TitleImpact of industrialization on shallow groundwater resources Greater Bandung experience, Indonesia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsSoekiban, S
Paginationp. 72-82. : 5 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published1996-03-01
Keywordsgroundwater withdrawal, impact, indonesia bandung, industrial use, textile industry, water pollution

Rapid growth of industrialization in Greater Bandung since 1970 has led to the deterioration of both the quantity and quality of groundwater resources in the Bandung basin. Since inadequate water can be provided by the municipal water supply system, most industries, especially the textile industry, rely on groundwater. Abstraction of deep groundwater (18.7 million cubic metres in 1976) has rapidly increased to 53 million cubic metres in 1993. Eighty per cent of this is used by industries alone. This has resulted in a lowering of the piezometric head by 2 to 3 m/year in most parts of the basin. This situation has considerably changed the flow of the groundwater system, in which vertical downward leakage occurs almost in the entire basin. This means there is a high risk of pollution to the deep aquifer system from the upper system. Efforts have been made to reduce the impact of industrialization on groundwater, through environmental impact assessments, placing restrictions on the abstraction of groundwater in certain areas within the basin, groundwater conservation measures, and by strengthening legislation on groundwater abstraction and wastewater treatment.

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