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TitleImplementing SA's free basic amount of water policy [paper presented at the 6th annual Water Africa Conference, 18 - 20 September 2001, Johannesburg, South Africa]
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsHazelton, D
Pagination23 p. : 10 fig., 11 tab.
Date Published2001-09-01
PublisherTSE Water Services
Place PublishedOrange Grove, South Africa
Keywordspolicies, poverty, sdiafr, sdipol, south africa, sustainability, water supply, water supply charges

This paper deals with South Africa's implementation of water policy. It describes the history of general policy development from 1994 till 2001. What stands out is the decision that all water services should be self financing and that all users should pay for improved water services. The paper explains this gradual but fundamental change in water policy against the background of the changing political scene during those years. It describes the free water policy of the government implemented in 2001. It also deals with the potentially negative effects of subsidizing waterservices. The poor would not benefit from this action. The paper argues that providing water to communities for free would render a false image of water been cheap to provide and have a negative longterm effect for the poor. The paper outlines government policies regarding water and sanitation.

Notes31 ref.
Custom 1202.3, 824



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