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The guide provides an introduction on diarrheal disease and hygiene promotion (and their broader child health context) and a synopsis of a methodology called Behavior-Centered Programming (BCP).

TitleImproving health through behavior change : a process guide on hygiene promotion
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsFavin, M, Naimoli, G, Sherburne, L
Secondary TitleJoint publication / EHP
Volumeno. 7
Paginationxvi, 134 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2004-08-01
PublisherEnvironmental Health Project (EHP)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsadministration, awareness raising, behaviour, diarrhoeal diseases, disease control, health education, hygiene, manuals, planning, projects, sdihyg

The guide provides an introduction on diarrheal disease and hygiene promotion (and their broader child health context) and a synopsis of a methodology called Behavior-Centered Programming (BCP). The focus is on the process and principles to plan and implement effective diarrheal disease prevention programs. The chapters follow the chronological steps: getting organised; situational assessment; formative research; strategy formulation; planning and implementation; and monitoring and evaluation, including worksheets, and an overview of indicators.
Many of the program experiences described derive from EHP II hygiene promotion projects in the Dominican Republic, Peru and Nicaragua.

Notes20 ref.
Custom 1203.2


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