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This paper studies approaches to the standardization of institution names in the framework of CEFDA (Common Exchange Format for Development Activity Information).

TitleImproving the quality of development activity information : standardizing institution names
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsDiLauro, A
Pagination20 p.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherOECD, Development Centre
Place PublishedParis, France
Keywordsdevelopment cooperation, information science, information systems, information transfer, recommendations, standards

This paper studies approaches to the standardization of institution names in the framework of CEFDA (Common Exchange Format for Development Activity Information). It covers exchange of development activity information (DAI) both bilaterally and through the DAI CD-ROM. It describes computerized institution authority files (IAF) and outlines the special needs of an IAF for the international development community. It is suggested that the most appropriate kind of IAF for DAI exchange is one in which only codes, based on organization acronyms, are standardized.

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