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TitleInvestigations into and development of a training guide and model to aid in the training of horizontal roughing filter caretakers
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsVoyiagis, H
Paginationvi, 41 p. + annexes (ca. 50): drwng., fig., tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherCranfield University at Silsoe
Place PublishedBedford, UK
Keywordscaretakers, horizontal roughing filtration, instructional aids, maintenance, operation, training

This thesis describes a working model of a Horizontal Roughing Filter (HRF) which had been designed for use as a training aid. It is of simple design, made from materials readily available in developing countries, clearly demonstrates the principles of operation of a HRF, and allows `hands-on' experimentation activities by the trainees. The model should be used in conjunction with the training course developed (appendix B) which covers sufficient information and practical exercises for the trainees to know how to operate and maintain a HRF plant. The training course should be followed by a period of on-the-job training to reinforce the skills and knowledge acquired and to gain practical experience, prior to being allowed to look after the plant unsupervised. The aim is to provide an effective approach to the training of rural people as HRF caretakers.

NotesAppendix B: HRF caretaker training guide
Custom 1204.1, 255.4
Custom 2Maps and/or technical drawings available


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