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IRC's fourth annual report.

TitleIRC International Water and Sanitation Centre Annual Report 1972
Publication TypeAnnual Report
Year of Publication1973
AuthorsIRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands

A tremendous acceleration of progress is needed in community water supply in developing countries in order to reach the revised targets of the Second United Nations Development Decade, 1971-1980, which aim at having 60% arid and 40% of urban dwellers served with water through house connections and public standpipes respectively, and at raising the proportion of rural dwellers with easy access to safe water to 25%.

Within the framework of the WHO programme one of IRC's general objectives is to consolidate efforts directed to the development of water supplies in developing countries in the context of these targets. Another objective is to establish a pool of technical and scientific information in community water supply for the benefit of both advanced and developing countries.

Citation Key82989


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