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Patrick Moriarty, CEO of IRC, discusses why and how the systems strengthening approach was developed.

TitleIt’s about strengthening systems
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMoriarty, PB
Secondary TitleWASH Systems Academy podcast
Pagination05m 03s
Date Published03/2019
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

A series of short podcasts (3-5 min) explore different elements of WASH Systems Strengthening. Each of episode features a WASH systems expert from different parts of the world and a range of organisations.

In this episode (5 min), Patrick Moriarty, CEO of IRC, discusses why and how the systems strengthening approach was developed.

The podcast series is part of the WASH Systems Academy. The WASH Systems Academy is a dynamic online platform developed to assist WASH sector professionals in applying a WASH systems strengthening approach. The Academy will help you understand the WASH systems strengthening approach:

• What is it?
• How and why was it developed?
• How to start applying it

If you are at the start of your career or are a senior WASH expert that wants to understand what a systems strengthening approach entails and how you can integrate it in your work, this free online course is for you. The WASH Systems Academy became available from September 2019.

The WASH Systems Academy is an initiative of IRC.
For more information see:



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