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The Kampala statement summarizes the key issues and challenges which require action from policy makers, external support agencies, civil society and sector players.

TitleThe "Kampala Statement" on the reform of the urban water and sanitation sector in Africa
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsAbidjan, CIWater Util
Pagination6 p.
Date Published2001-02-28
PublisherWater Utility Partnership
Place PublishedAbidjan, Ivory Coast
Keywordsafrica, institutional aspects, policies, sanitation, sdiafr, sdipol, urban areas, water supply

The Kampala statement summarizes the key issues and challenges which require action from policy makers, external support agencies, civil society and sector players. The key issues were identified by participants of the second Regional Conference on the Reform of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in Africa, held in Kampala, Uganda from 26 to 28 February 2001. The statement describes the situation in 2001 which forms the basis for the discussion and for the conclusions that were reached. The key issues include the political economy of sector reform; options for public-private partnerships; the bidding process; the interests of the poor in the reform process; labour; gender; financial resources and cost recovery; regulation; the challenges of sanitation and hygiene; and water resources management.

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