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WASH facilities, services, and governance in Ethiopia were improved. Community engagement and strategic planning ensure sustainability.

TitleLearnings from the WASH SDG Ethiopia programme (2017-2024)
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2024
Pagination27 p. : 9 fig., 3 tab.
Date Published03/2024
PublisherIRC Ethiopia
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish

The implementation of the WASH SDG Ethiopia programme has demonstrated substantial progress and key achievements in addressing WASH challenges in the selected woredas in Ethiopia. These achievements include demand for improved WASH facilities and practices, enhancing WASH service provision, and improving WASH governance and institutional frameworks. The collaborative efforts of stakeholders, including government bodies, community members, and various organizations, have been pivotal in driving these achievements.

Key learnings have emerged, emphasizing the crucial role of community engagement, strategic dissemination of information, and capacity building initiatives in empowering stakeholders and fostering collective action. It is evident that strong collaboration, detailed planning, and evidence-based advocacy play a critical role in ensuring the sustainability and long-term impact of these initiatives.

Citation Key90983



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