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TitleThe life cycle CO2 (LCCO2) evaluation of retrofits for water-saving fittings
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsShimizu, Y
Paginationp. 629 - 637; 11 fig.; 2 tab.
Date Published2013-05-31
PublisherMolecular Diversity Preservation International, Water Editorial Office, MDPI
Place PublishedBasel, Switzerland
Keywordsemission, emission standards, latrine fittings, pipe fittings

As part of measures being taken against global warming, the reduction of CO2 emissions by retrofitting for water-saving fittings in homes is spreading throughout the world. However, although this retrofitting reduces the environmental impact at the use stage, it generates new impacts at the production and disposal stages. In addition, there has been little research that discusses the reduction in environmental impact obtained by retrofitting from the viewpoint of the overall life cycle of such fittings. In this paper, an evaluation of the environmental impact of retrofitting in terms of the entire life cycle was carried out for toilet bowls and showerheads. The findings show that even for a toilet bowl that generates a large environmental load at the production stage, there is no overall increase in the environmental impact by retrofitting for the average usable life of 20 years. [authors abstract]

NotesWith references on p. 636 - 637
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