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TitleManagement of aquifer recharge and subsurface storage : making better use of our largest reservoir : seminar, Wageningen 18-19 December 2002 [proceedings]
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsTuinhof, A, Heederik, JP
Secondary TitleNNC-IAC publication
Volumeno. 4
Paginationiv, 98 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published2002-12-01
PublisherNetherlands National Committee for the IAH
Place PublishedUtrecht, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9080825816
Keywordsaquifers, artificial recharge, case studies, dams, groundwater, hungary, india, infiltration, injection wells, kenya, mexico, oman, recharge, recommendations, sdiafr, sdiasi, sdilac, sdimed, sdiwrm, southern africa, water resources management, water shortage
NotesIncluding references
Custom 1212.2, 820


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