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TitleMaps of the relation between the urban population and access to improved water in the Pacific, South East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Southern Africa
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsInstitute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS
Secondary TitleWASH access and indicator maps
Volume07 Urban population water Middle East and South Asia
Pagination1 p.; map
Date Published2010-01-01
PublisherInstitute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS
Place PublishedSydney, NSW, Australia
Keywordsaccess to water, demography, geographical factors, middle east, population, south asia, statistics

WASH access and indicator maps collate information about 52 countries from a range of global databases in a series of regional maps. These maps show WASH global data in various combinations by region (Africa, South Asia and Middle East, Southeast Asia, Pacific) including UNICEF/ WHO Joint Monitoring Program data. The maps are prepared for AusAID. [authors abstract]

This is the Middle East and South Asia issue.

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