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This report identifies the economic gains from investments in water supply and sanitation, and describes the conditions under which these investments yield economic improvement at the firm, industry, and national levels in developing countries.

TitleMaximizing the economic impact of urban water supply and sanitation investments
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsJohnson, RW, Schwartz, JB
Secondary TitleWash technical report
Volumeno. 82
Paginationv, 31 p.: 12 fig.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordscab92/6, investment, planning, projects, sanitation, socioeconomic impact, urban areas, water supply

This report identifies the economic gains from investments in water supply and sanitation, and describes the conditions under which these investments yield economic improvement at the firm, industry, and national levels in developing countries. It reviews the evidence that such investments contribute to increased national income, explains the conditions in which this is more likely to occur, and offers a document for use by project design and policy makers in AID (and other donor agencies) and developing country planning and budget institutions. The intention is to provide these planners with guidelines for making informed investment decisions.

Notes34 ref.
Custom 1202.7


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