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TitleMonitoring & Evaluation (M&E) in Trinkwasser- und Sanitationsprojekten : Bericht ueber den 5. Gersau-Workshop der AGUASAN, 3.7. - 7.7, 1989
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsGeiser, U
Paginationca. 130 p.: fig.
Date Published1989-01-01
PublisherSKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management)
Place PublishedSt. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywordsevaluation, monitoring, projects, safe water supply, sanitation, training courses
NotesBibliography: annex 22 (4 p.)
Custom 1202.5
Translated TitleMonitoring and evaluation (M&E) in drinking water and sanitation projects : report of the 5th AGUASAN Gersau-Workshop, 3-7 July, 1989
Original PublicationMonitoring and evaluation (M&E) in drinking water supply and sanitation projects : report of the 5th Workshop by AGUASAN held at Gersau, Switzerland (3.7 - 7.7. 1989) : summary, Suivi/evaluation (S/E) des projets d'eau potable et d'hygiene publique : rapp


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