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TitleNational conference on less costly wastewater treatment systems for small communities : a compilation of papers presented at the USEPA National Conference, held at Reston, Virginia, on April 12, 13, and 14, 1977
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1978
AuthorsEPA -Washington, DC, US
Secondary TitleNWWA/EPA series
Pagination118 pp. : fig., tab. ref.
Date Published1978-08-01
PublisherUS Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Place PublishedReston, VA, USA
Keywordscost benefit analysis, legislation, problem analysis, rural areas, septic tank systems, sewage effluent, sewers, small communities, wastewater treatment

The focus of the conference was on sound and economical alternatives to conventional centralized wastewater collection and treatment systems for small communities. Discussions included present governmental policy on wastewater facilities, and descriptions of major types of conveyance and treatment systems (with comparative costs). Examples were provided of successful and cost-effective installations which meet environmental requirements. Alternative organizations for maintaining and operating small facilities were also discussed .

NotesReferences per article.
Custom 172


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