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This book presents a systematic approach to identifying, eliminating, and preventing sexist bias in social science research.

TitleNonsexist research methods : a practical guide
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsEichler, M
EditionReprint 1991
Paginationviii, 183 p.: tab.
Date Published1988-01-01
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number0415906059
Keywordschecklists, gender, guidelines, men, research, social sciences, women

This book presents a systematic approach to identifying, eliminating, and preventing sexist bias in social science research. It begins with a general discussion of the problems and implications of sexism in research, and then identifies four primary sources of bias: androcentricity, overgeneralization, gender insensitivity, and double standards. Three derivative sources of bias - sex appropriateness, familism, and sexual dichotomism - are also discussed. The final chapter has an outline of a step-by-step approach to avoiding the introduction of sexist bias at each phase of the research process. Concrete suggestions are also provided for eliminating bias in titles, language, research design, concepts, research methods, data interpretation, and policy evaluations and recommendations. The book includes a Nonsexist Research Checklist which aims to be a handy reference to be used during the research process.

NotesIncludes notes and index
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