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The video deals with Overseas Development Administration (ODA) projects on local production of wind-powered pumps and prevention of soil erosion by construction of dams in Kenya, and on schistosomiasis control in the Gezira district in Sudan.

TitleThe ODA and the water connection
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsBaille, D, Kyle, J
Paginationvideo (22 min.): VHS, Pal
Date Published1987-01-01
PublisherDavid Bellamy Productions
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Keywordsdams, disease control, filtration, irrigation, kenya, local production, schistosomiasis, soil erosion, sudan, sudan gezira, wind-powered pumps

The video deals with Overseas Development Administration (ODA) projects on local production of wind-powered pumps and prevention of soil erosion by construction of dams in Kenya, and on schistosomiasis control in the Gezira district in Sudan. It is meant as an introduction to the water projects of ODA.

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