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This annual WaterAid media briefing looks at some of the world's worst countries for urban sanitation, and some of the jobs that are created when the challenge is addressed head-on.

TitleOverflowing cities : the state of the world’s toilets 2016
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBurgess, T
Secondary TitleWaterAid media briefing
Pagination27 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
Date Published11/2016
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish

This annual WaterAid media briefing on sanitation focuses on urban areas. It looks at some of the world's worst countries for urban sanitation, and some of the jobs that are created when the challenge is addressed head-on.

The briefing begins by describing the impact of poor sanitation in urban areas. This is followed sections on:

  • the top ten countries most urban-dwellers without safe, private toilets by percentage and numbers of dwellers
  • the top 10 countries with the most urban-dwellers practising open defecation also by percentage and numbers of dwellers;
  • the top 10 most-improved countries for reaching the most people in urban areas with safe, private toilets; and .
  • the top 10 countries falling furthest behind in reaching people with safe, private toilets in urban areas

The media briefing concludes with a call for more, better spent money and for governments to reach everyone by coordinating all actors and giving sanitation workers the respect they deserve.



Incl. 50 ref.

Citation Key82350



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